Jennifer McIntyre - Staff Writer

As April is approaching, many holidays come with it. April is a month full of festivities and excitement as people celebrate Passover, Good Friday, Lent, Easter, and Earth Day.
Leading into April, the festivities begin for those who are Jewish. The Jewish holiday, Passover, begins April 8th this year and ends April 16th. Passover is the celebration of the liberation of the Israelities from Egyption slavery and lasts for about 7 days. During Passover people are not to eat, drink, or own food that is made from grain. On the first and last day of the 7 day period, people connect with their faith. They do so by visiting their synagogue, reading the Torah, praying, and eating a ceremonial meal.
Senior Cole Rosenthal said, “My family and I have celebrated passover for years now, and it is a holiday that we all greatly appreciate.”
Those who follow the Christian faith begin April with the significant day of Good Friday. Good Friday is on April 10, and Christians remember Jesus’s death and how Jesus’s death was a sacrifice for them, so they can receive God’s forgiveness for wrong doings.
Leading up to Good Friday, Christians also participate in Lent. During this time period from Ash Wednesday, February 26, till Thursday, April 9th people focus on the prayer, fasting, and giving. Lent is used to prepare individuals minds and souls for Good Friday and Easter. The common way of participating in Lent is by giving up a food group of some sort.
Junior John Miller said, “For lent I give up meat. Lent is something I enjoy doing, because it connects me more with my faith.”
One of the most important festivities for the Christian faith occurs in April, and this is Easter. Easter marks the day of Jesus’s resurrection, and falls on Sunday, April 12 this year. Easter can be celebrated in many ways. Many choose to go to an Easter service, and connect with their faith on this special day. Easter is also commonly spent with family and loved ones dying eggs, egg hunts, and meeting the Easter bunny. Senior Will Lee said, “One of my favorite memories from Easter as a kid would be when my family would come home from service, and I would find Easter eggs full of candies scattered around my house. I had thought the Easter bunny had come while we were out!”
There are not only religious based holidays in April. A fun holiday for everyone in April is Earth Day. Earth Day is on April 22nd this year, and Earth Days focuses on treating the environment you live in well. Nature is constantly surrounding us, and this day is dedicated to enjoying it and protecting it. Simple changes in a way of life, can protect this planet greatly, and Earth Day is a start to the change. One can participate in Earth Day by purchasing a reusable water bottle, plant a garden, build a birdhouse, use reusable grocery bags, the options are endless. Sophomore Max Suzdaltsev said, “I will participate in Earth Day this year by spending time outdoors with friends, to appreciate the outdoors and what it has to provide.”
With March coming to an end, April is just around the corner. April is a month full of celebration and festivities, for those of certain religions. People will be surrounded by family and loved ones to focus on subjects that are important to them, and have a lively time.